Our school is located in the village of St Erth which is situated approximately two miles west of the coastal town of Hayle. Established in 1922, we are a popular local school serving St Erth and the wider community. With just over 100 pupils in 4 classes, we are friendly and welcoming, something that is repeatedly recognised and valued by our families, visitors and Ofsted. The school caters for children between the ages of 4 - 11, but there is also a separate pre-school within the school grounds, St Erth Nursery, providing opportunities for younger children. We have very close links with the nursery which ensures a smooth transition to primary school. We offer a rich and diverse curriculum, as well as a full programme of before and after-school activities. In 2016 we joined the Truro and Penwith Academy Trust and enjoy working collaboratively with our partner schools as well as with other local schools within the Hayle and St Ives Clusters.
If you need any further information please browse the rest of our website or contact us.