St Erth's Curriculum
On the pages in this section of our School's website you will find detail on each subject in our curriculum. Please also visit our class pages to see half termly overviews for each class. Below is the overall vision for our curriculum. At the bottom of this page you will also find the school's Teaching and Learning Policy. This sets out pedagogy and principals that underpin the curriculum.
INTENT - What we intend to achieve through our curriculum
St Erth school aims to ensure every pupil reaches their full potential and is ready for the next stage in their education. Pupils attending St Erth school benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to their individual needs. Children’s knowledge progresses at pace and in line with the curriculum; each stage of their academic development is carefully monitored and planned. Well-being and an understanding of oneself as a learner is given high priority in our curriculum. Children are given the knowledge they need to become life-long learners and meet the aspirations they set for themselves. Crucially, as a result of the curriculum children are given the cultural capital to achieve regardless of their individual circumstances. Wherever possible, the curriculum provides real-life experiences and develops a sense of local and global citizenship. Key knowledge and concepts are embedded through carefully sequenced objectives building towards clear endpoints. Children are guided through the curriculum by highly skilled staff who invest in them as individuals to enable them to be ready, both academically and socially, for the next stage in their education. To achieve this adaptations are made for all pupils, including those with SEN, to ensure access to the full curriculum. We intend for children to leave St Erth School being confident, aspirational and self-aware learners.
IMPLEMENTATION - How we will deliver our curriculum
The curriculum is carefully sequenced so that children accumulate key knowledge as they move through the school, applying what they have learnt previously to embed long term recall. At each stage their development is carefully monitored by teachers, who address misconceptions, provide clear feedback on children’s next steps and make careful adaptations to support individuals. Knowledge of how pupils can become effective learners are emphasised at each stage, to ensure children can manage, and improve, their own learning. Alongside the development of academic knowledge and strategies, staff monitor and support children’s well-being to ensure they are ready to learn. Developing these social, emotional and learning skills enables children to meet the challenges set for them by teachers and be ready for the next stage in their education. The selection of tasks and activities in lessons is carefully considered by staff to inspire, engage and develop children’s cultural capital, an emphasis is also placed on taking learning beyond the classroom. Texts and resources are carefully selected by staff to support meeting curriculum intent, developing children’s reading and providing them with a broad range of experience. Teaching and learning is adapted to meet the needs of all learners, including those with SEN, to ensure access to the full curriculum for all. Children’s progress in all these areas is assessed and monitored continually, enabling staff to adapt learning where appropriate and provide individual feedback for children and parents.
IMPACT - How we will measure the effectiveness of our curriculum
The effectiveness of the curriculum is measured in numerous ways at St Erth School, reflecting the multi-faceted and diverse approach the school has to the curriculum. The culmination of these measures is that children leave St Erth as the curriculum intends as confident, aspirational and self-aware learners. Children will have developed detailed knowledge throughout each program of study which they will be ready to apply in the next stage of their education, be that at St Erth or secondary school. Nationally reported data at the end of key stages, for phonics and timestables will reflect this. Crucially, internal monitoring will also show that children have developed the social, emotional and learning skills required for them to continue to succeed. This will result in children being inspired and enabled to take their learning further by for example: selecting and reading texts at home; taking part in extra-curricular activities at school and in the community; conducting research into areas that interest them; being ready to lead others and take on responsibility in the school environment and community. Pupils will have benefitted from the curriculum being adapted to meet their needs, in particular pupils with SEN. As a result, children will leave St Erth ready to continue to achieve in the next stage of their education, having received the academic guidance, support for well-being and cultural capital this requires.