Music Curriculum

At St Erth, we intend for music to be an integral part of our school and the journey children embark on at our school. We want children to grow in confidence whilst building upon a range of musical experiences. Children will develop a range of skills in singing, listening, composing, musicianship and performing which will be celebrated during key events throughout the school year, the final summer show being a ‘right of passage’ for many and instilling confidence and pride in self and our school community. Children will experience listening to a wide range of music from different eras and cultures through music lessons and during the school day in assemblies and within the classroom. We also offer children opportunities to learn how to play instruments and perform these individual achievements.  We intend that pupils with SEND should be able to engage fully and enjoy music alongside their peers.  

Children at St Erth will have weekly music lessons, linked to their topics, taught by the class teacher or a music specialist. These lessons will develop their skills in the key areas of music: singing, listening, composing, musicianship and performing. These skills are also enhanced through weekly singing assemblies where the school collectively sings as an ensemble, often leading to a performance which displays that music is held in high-regard at St Erth with key performances throughout the year. Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 all develop a vast diet of nursery songs and rhymes through the phonics programme we use as each phoneme is linked to a nursery rhyme or song to further embed each sound. So children have a daily song as part of their phonics provision as well as extended provision throughout the day.

Music is also taught through dance, movement, maths (timestables songs), English, MFL, History and Geography wherever appropriate (eg. Continents and oceans song), developing understanding of other areas and music from different cultures and periods of time.

Through the ‘First Access’ programme with Cornwall Music Hub, all children in will have the chance to play an instrument as a whole class ensemble during their time at St Erth. This could be violin, brass, ukulele, recorder or drums. Children also have access to private lessons in guitar, piano, violin, recorder and brass should they choose to engage in these areas to further build upon their skills and learning of the curriculum.  Pupils who have SEND had a graduated response to their need.  Some children may need adaptions physically or sensorily, others may need other changes or none to the music timetable.  Each pupil will be considered individually within the graduated approach.

The impact of teaching music will be evident in all children in school: their confidence, sense of rhythm, appreciation of different styles of music and creativity. Participation in music has great impact on children’s well being and mental health, often allowing individuals to express different emotions when this cannot be verbalised. Learning instruments and songs to sing improves working memory, concentration, fine motor skills, cognition and language acquisition which will impact other subject areas as well as the children’s development in musical skills and learning. 

Music and performance is held in high-regard at St Erth School and the impact of this on children is that they are confident to perform and express themselves through this subject area and also gain a huge sense of achievement which has an overwhelming impact on their sense of self worth and a readiness to continue their learning journeys’.
How we support children with SEND in music 
All children can achieve, at their own level in music. Their SEN should not be considered a limiting factor, and all should be encouraged to participate fully. 

They should be encouraged to explore how the music of a variety of genres, and from different cultures  makes them feel, and express this through the means most suitable to their differing needs. They should be encouraged to make music using tuned and untuned instruments that reflect their understanding and appreciation of a variety of stimuli that are adapted where needed.

What amendments are made to the subject in order to help children with SENs to achieve?

  • Fostering a can do attitude, particularly with regards to performance, and support to express how the music makes them feel

  • A spiral curriculum (revisit and revise) - At the start of the lesson, children will be revisiting the vocabulary and keys facts you have learnt. This will give children with SEN more time and opportunities to understand the concepts and vital knowledge they need to access the learning. 

  • Visual word maps - where appropriate we will create a visual word mat for your children with SEN