Welcome to our school.
We are a village school which is proud to be part of the community of St Erth Parish.
At St Erth we value the well being of the children in our care above all else. We aim to create a happy, safe, caring environment in which every child can succeed and do their best. To this end we constantly strive to improve by keeping up to date with the very best ideas in teaching and learning and providing a fun place to learn. We have developed engaging and vibrant learning spaces indoors, outside and online to enhance our curriculum and provide children with a wide range of learning experiences. We make use of the unique landscape, culture and history of our local area to further enhance our curriculum offer as well as broadening horizons through, for example, residential trips and carefully planned diverse topics to study. We intend for children to leave St Erth School being confident, aspirational and self-aware learners who, as well as being academically successful, are ready for the challenges of life.
We know that strong and supportive relationships are the most important factor to a child's development. Our staff seek to understand and support each child as an individual, ensuring they feel valued and secure. Key to this is building a close working relationship with parents. We ensure our staff are highly visible and always available to discuss your child's learning so we can work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for them. Parents are asked to work with us to achieve this by attending parent evenings, hearing your child read regularly and talking with them about what they do in school.
I hope you enjoy finding out more about our wonderful school through our website. Please get in touch if you would like any further information.
Mr Bill Coleman