Our special educational needs co-ordinator is Karen Golder - kgolder@sterth.tpacademytrust.org
At St Erth, we want all children to reach their full potential in every area, and we recognise that some children may need more help and work from us to achieve this. Each child is different and what one needs to grow, learn and thrive may be different from another. We work with your child, and with you, to identify what you child needs in order to thrive and reach their potential, and then provide that.
Using the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice as our guide, we aim:
- To reach high levels of achievement for all
- To be an inclusive school
- To ensure the identification of all pupils requiring SEND provision as early as possible in their school career
- To meet individual needs through a wide range of provision
- To attain high levels of satisfaction and participation from pupils, parents and carers
- To provide curriculum access for all
- To work towards inclusion in partnership with other agencies and schools
- To achieve a level of staff expertise to meet pupil needs
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Karen Golder, our school SENDCo
Dyslexia Friendly Schools
We are very proud of our most recent reaccreditation for the Dyslexia Friendly Schools Quality Mark in October 2023. The assessors were thoroughly impressed and commented continually on the inclusivity and positivity of school. The report can be found in the resources at the bottom of the page.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health